About Me
New post out here: I talk about self-publishing and why I believe it’s the way to go.
Ahh, I hate writing these. A page to just write about me? It seems a bit too arrogant for my taste, you know?
Short on time? Here’s the short version:
Hiya, I’m Jack and I’m a creative writer. The ‘Authorbytrade’ blog is my way of sharing the experiences and process I go through coming up with novel ideas to self-publishing them, and everything in-between.
The caviar: I have no clue how to self-publish. I have no idea how you write the best book, and I have no idea how to make you a bestseller, but what I do have is a passion for creative writing and writing in general. I love to experiment and study processes, and I’m going to share my thoughts, ideas, and tips here so that you can get the answers to the questions at the top of this paragraph.
There you have it. 8 lines.
But if you’re interested in knowing more about me and the experiment, here’s the longer version:
Hiya, I’m Jack and I’m a creative writer. The ‘Authorbytrade’ blog is my way of sharing the experiences and process I go through coming up with novel ideas to self-publishing them, and everything in-between.
I have absolutely no idea how to blog.
3 weeks ago, I sat at my deck when my brain decided it was time for me to talk to myself:
“Jack, don’t you think starting a blog would be fun? You get to write, experiment, and share the things you learn and know to help others improve as writers.”
And I did think it could be fun. In fact, I excitedly agreed with myself, probably a bit too unaware, thinking writing and owning a blog would a breeze.
But man, it really is something else.
At this point you’re probably screaming at your screen: “Cool story, but I don’t care about any of that. Tell me what this have to do with me? what do you I get?”
I know, I’m sorry.
Why the blog and why should you read it? Great question.
To give you an answer, we have to take a trip back to the start.
I have a passion for writing and spends lots of time trying to figure out how best to present my material to the world: traditional vs self-publishing, what genres to pursuit, and the best writing routine.
And one night, way past the point where I should be sleeping while I sat at my desk finishing the last task of the day, I suddenly felt a revelation wash over me:
“Jack, this is it,” I reassured myself as I starred at my newly brought blog domain. “You love to express yourself with words. You’re an addict for studying and analyzing processes behind things. Why not learn the processes behind self-publishing and give it a shot?” (I know, what a crazy conversation to have with yourself, but at this point I had looked at this screen for more than 3 weeks because I didn’t know how to publish my work)

I thought it over for a second:
“If I share my experiences as I go from a blank document to self-published, then I might be on to something. Something that could not only help myself, but thousands of other authors out there who struggles.”
“That’s cool and all, but that doesn’t explain, why the blog?”
Because of people like you and me.
The people who have a passion for writing, but struggle to get past the first word on the page. The people who have a first draft, but don’t know how to go from there. It’s for the writers who has met any kind of struggle along their way from idea to publication.
I hope that gets you excited. But I got to admit I’m not an expert.
I don’t know to publish. I’m not a bestselling author. I don’t have the perfect writing routine, but what I am is a guy who’s passionate about writing and who loves to experiment. But most importantly, I’m in the same boat as you.
Look to your left, I’m right there next to you. And together we can move the boat forward.
The processes, experiences, and feelings I go through as I write my novels, it’s all something I’m going to share. I’m going to give you insights into the experiments I try to perfect my writing, editing, finding collaborators, and every step in-between until a work has been self-published.
“But how can you teach me anything if you haven’t published anything?”
Time for some embarrassment.
I published two books last year. It was my first attempt at writing and publishing. They are by no means perfect, but I use them as a reminder not to be ashamed of the work I put out and a reminder of where I started.
(if anybody is interested here’s a link to my profile: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B0BSG7DCLX)
I’m happy to have you here and I hope my stories can help you achieve your writing goals.